
The Write Habit


Writing is no walk in the park. I have high regard for those who do it with so much ease and poetry.

When working on stories for my weekly newspaper column, I sometimes find myself drowning in my think tank. I struggle to turn thoughts into words. Compared to what I do in my line of work, feature writing is a totally different spectrum. But, I want to keep doing it. There’s a great sense of fulfillment in doing it. This creative exercise led me to meet artists, women and mothers from all walks of life, and paved the way for me to see everything through different perspectives. As I listen to their narrations, from failures to detours and triumphs, my faith in humanity is always renewed and I realized a great deal of things we can all be thankful for.

The idea of blogging came up three years ago, but I didn’t do much for it to take flight. The thought excited the semi-millennial in me, while the Tita side of me begged to unplug and just live through the day. I knew I wanted to make this happen, but I didn’t think I had the blogger skills to regularly produce content that’s going to be interesting and appealing to the bigger audience. This eventually led to fear and insecurity that pinned me to the ground.

Months turned to years. One day, I sat in silence and re-evaluated why I even thought of blogging in the first place.

I just wanted to get better at writing.

I thank my eldest for giving me the push to pursue this  project. Even when she was only 10 years old, she was already able to turn her little hobby into something productive. So, what’s my excuse?

I’m a newbie in the blogosphere and new beginnings are always a humbling experience. I feel the pressure of filling up my pages with content and I made a commitment to myself to stay true to my storytelling style and purpose. The first keystroke will always be the hardest, but it’ll push me to fill up the rest of the blank space.

So, here I am, a work in progress, getting into the write habit — one story at a time.

Here’s hoping I’ll continue to grow and learn through this.


Meg Hernandez

Wife, mom, lifestyle columnist and blogger, craft enthusiast, and marketing and communications practitioner based in the Philippines.