Family Musings Published Works




It’s that time of the year once again when mothers take center stage and all families unite in giving thanks to moms across the globe. This year, I not only pay tribute to my mom (who passed away in 2005), but also everyone around the world. I feel so blessed that I was given this column which celebrates moms and all our beautiful differences and triumphs. I’ve come to know more women and learned from their own challenges and experiences. From single-moms to mompreneurs, there really is so much to share and understand about the many facets of motherhood. I, for one, consider myself a work in progress and I am happy that I get first hand tips from other experienced moms.



It’s amazing how much motherhood changes one’s life for the better. Things that used to rock your world would later on turn out to be a spec you can shrug off your shoulder. You’re able to endure all wounds and take in all the cruelties of life, as long as those are thrown only at you and not your child. Your happiness doesn’t revolve around you anymore neither does it solely depend on anything that’s temporary and tangible. A simple smile or giggle injects energy into your system, relieving you from momentary worries and troubles. You acquire the heart of a lion, braving all odds just for the safety and comfort of your child.




Motherhood is just as challenging as it is rewarding. As much as anyone would wish that there’s a step by step guide in being a good mother, there really is no perfect formula in becoming one. Each mom has different challenges, different abilities and skills, and certainly different children. Imagine a mom of five, managing five different personalities and temperaments. You’d never know whose needs you have to prioritize first, but moms are able to rise above the endless tantrums and whining and provide all that’s necessary. Motherhood is like a rollercoaster ride that doesn’t end after a few rounds or when fuel runs out. Your duties and responsibilities go beyond the usual routine… Sometimes, even transcending on to family’s the next generation. Day in and day out, mothers face on different surprises on the battlefield, wiping sweat and tears and nurturing the future champions and icons. While there is more to motherhood than what meets the eye, sometimes the beauty of it can get lost in all chores, sleepless nights and noise. A mother’s love goes beyond words, and no amount of sweat and tears can put an end to their giving, loving, and caring.


To all fellow mothers, I salute you for your hard work, great love, resilience and selflessness. It’s sad that I don’t get to spend and share Mother’s Day with my mom. I am forever grateful to have been raised by such a gracious and selfless one. I can only wish to be half the mother she was, and I am still trying and learning. Motherhood is one of the greatest gifts I’ve been privileged to have, and I am proud to be a mom to one beautiful child who continues to understand and love me immensely despite my shortcomings and flaws. When motherhood gets tough, I try to remember the day it all began, the change it brought and the new experiences and opportunities it presented.  I always take a step back and remember that moment when my daughter, Tatiana, was born — the moment when I’ve come to know the meaning of unconditional love simply by the touch of my baby’s hand. All that I am now and hope to be, I owe it to my mom and my daughter. 

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms around the world!

Story published on my newspaper column, Metro Mom.
A1, INdulge, Edge Davao, Vol. 7 Issue no. 42 , 14 May 2014.

Meg Hernandez

Wife, mom, lifestyle columnist and blogger, craft enthusiast, and marketing and communications practitioner based in the Philippines.